
An example of some GIS software in the ICE

This is a quick video to show how Law Enforcement specific GIS software could be utilised in a multi-touch enabled space like Edinburgh Napier University's ICE (Interactive Collaborative Environment). 


The ICE gets a 4 page spread in E&T magazine

The Institution of Engineering and Technology has taken a great interest in our work and invited us to write a short piece for their magazine. The short piece became a 4 page spread with pictures and video! Check out the link below to read the full article:

E&T article


ICE to host sicsa multitouch workshop on July 2nd

The ICE will play host to a sicsa workshop on the interaction design and development of multitouch enabled environments and software. The workshop is part of the CREATE 2010 conference running from June 30th to July 2nd.

From CREATE website:

"Centering on the newly installed "Future Meeting Room" at Merchiston Campus, this afternoon workshop will address novel forms of expressive and gestural human-technology interactions. The workshop will be specifically focusing on the interaction design challenges of developing applications and services for multi-touch, multi-user collaboration, and will include theoretical and case-study discussions alongside some practical design activities. 

The workshop is intended for research students, and SICSA PhD students will be given priority for places, however Create10 conference delegates are welcome to attend if there is sufficient capacity.

If you would like to attend this workshop please email a (maximum) 1 page statement outlining yourself and your affiliation, describing your research interests and activities, and telling us why you would like to attend the workshop.

Please send your statement to: Ingi Helgason by Friday June 4th."



The British Council have an article on the ICE

The British Council's Cubed online magazine have an article featuring the ICE and an interview with Oli.



BBC and others cover the Future Meeting Room

So, we were rather inundated with media interest on the launch of the FMR, from the BBC to the Sun, which was a pleasant but chaos inducing surprise! People have been in contact asking to see what the reactions were so I've added a Press section to the site. You can view the BBC coverage here (NB. this link sometimes doesn't work but you can watch the video directly here). Interestingly they seemed to miss the point that it's the whole project that has a budget of £150k whilst all the hardware in the room was far less, around 35% of that total, but c'est la vie...

The best thing that has come from all the coverage is the fact that a lot of very interesting people, organisations and companies have learnt what we're up to and got in touch to discuss our project, their projects and the possibilities for collaboration. If that applies to you, please get in touch as well.